Stressed Grapes Make The Best Wine…

“Truths of James Ray:

The world that we see is made up of light and energy.

We need to plug into this source of energy call it God or as he (James Ray) states, the zero point. (In Kabbalah we call it The Light)

We thrive at the place between chaos and order. Example stressed grapes make the best wine. We must be able to handle the edge.

Wealth comes from the same word Well Being comes from, money is just a small part of wealth.

His coined concept is Harmonic Wealth: It has five parts:

Intellectual mental/ Emotional

It is not about balancing these it is about the specific key that fits into the universe in the NOW

Sometimes we have more focus in Financial and that effect relationship and physical world. It is a flow, a synergy.

Your results are the truth in your life. Look around and see what you have, and then work it from there.

To have change you must work at a different level. Choose any of these five and work it and the others will respond also.

He said we must work on the HOW from the inside.

He talked about our DNA as being the key to attracting and producing more light or Life.

We must relax or DNA to do this. Tight DNA less light.

We loosen our DNA by experiencing more LOVE, JOY, GRATITUDE, and BEAUTY. No cost to any of these, great start.

We tighten with worry, fear, anxiety, anger, greed, and so on.”

I am impressed especially by two statements above: the one in the title: stressed grapes make the best wine. I think this is under the truism that you must stretch yourself beyond what’s comfortable for the Light to find any vessel in you. Your vessel, when you are not stretching, is full. And you know what happens when you try to pour tea into a full cup? It flows, but in the saucer and then on the table and then on the floor. When I say Light, I mean energy to do more, feel more, have more, love more, enjoy more. So, very counter-intuitive (misnomer alert!): the more you are willing to be uncomfortable the more light you can get, in any moment.

The other statement I like is the one about the tight DNA: “We must relax or DNA to do this. Tight DNA less light.

We loosen are DNA by experiencing more LOVE, JOY, GRATITUDE, and BEAUTY. No cost to any of these, great start.”

When I first started to do the Healing Codes, August of 2005, I was so tightly wound, that I got almost no light to survive. I had a growth on my lower arm that seemed to love it. The tighter I was the more it grew.

I started to do the “codes” on this skin growth by doing the code for Joy. When I started I wasn’t even able to smile… I could feel as the sadness left my body, the tightness released, and on the 3rd day the growth first changed color from angry red to a paler pink, and by the end of the day it shrank and fell off. It left a white spot the size of a dime on my arm. I still have it, shrunk a little but it is still there.

So what am I saying? That as I put my attention on joy and gratitude, my whole being became looser, softer, malleable, and the Light could come in and do what the Light does: put Life back to life.

A great lesson I haven’t forgotten.

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