10 Strategies To Use To Stay Motivated Toward Your Riding Goals

I trust you are having an incredible commence to 2014! For those of you that don’t know I had my gorgeous, wonderful daughter Danika on 29/12/13 and I am having an incredible (albeit challenging) age! The largest challenge was getting back into the saddle and getting ready to compete again. I got back into the saddle after 10 days and every day I feel stronger and fitter and I am loving the journey. There is still some weight to lose to fit into the competition clothes… so bring on the following 2 weeks to get that all happening! What about you? What are your huge goals for 2014? Have you had a super commence to them? How are things different than 2013? I know a abundance of human beings struggle with motivation and desire to know how I stay motivated, so I thought I would give you ten strategies to employ to stay motivated towards your riding goals.
Tags: | meditation | selfimprovement articles |

3 Benefits of Working With a Personal Trainer

If you’re anything like a majority of other human beings in the earth, then at times, getting motivated to get yourself fit and lose weight can become quite dense. Perhaps you’ve been looking to lose weight, however have hit a weight loss plateau and are not certain of how you could overcome it? The truth is that getting fit and healthy is far, far more dense than human beings seem to reckon.
Tags: | the best you | theta |